Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog Vomit

Gross title, I know. It is Halloween, so I figured it was fitting. I have titled this blog entry this because there is so much on my mind that it might just shoot out, be all messy, stinky and make no sense at all. Kind of why I started this thing in the first place. Plus, I had to clean up some barf on Friday. From a child that will remain nameless, in order to protect her cuteness. *note to self, five pieces of cheese for a 15 month old is too many!

I don't love Halloween. I DO love dressing up my girls. Bella was a princess, the babies were bugs. I usually use hand-me-down costumes, or stuff we already have. This year was no exception. Although Halloween does not pull on my heart strings, seeing Cinderella prance around and my buggies waddle with antennae bouncing, does. It makes my heart full of joy. They are so precious. This is why I do somewhat partake in this holiday that seems so dark. I pick out the fun light hearted stuff and go with it. I find no joy in watching films that look into so called "paranormal" activity, blood, and guts.

I had a wonderful weekend with many talks that I can look back on and smile. My sister introduced us to her new boyfriend today, which was awesome. Felicia came and kept me company Saturday while our husbands played a show. There are a handful of people that I feel truly "get" me. Nichole, my mom, BBFF, and Felicia. Sometimes Pablo. That sounds horrible, but women just get other women better sometimes!

I have also come away from this weekend, and week actually, thinking...."I want to give my piece of mind to so many people!" I have gone back and forth so many times on if I should or shouldn't tell people how I REALLY feel. I have come to the conclusion that if I don't, then I will eventually have a "word vomit" episode and all of my kept up feelings and emotions will come out in a very sudden, stinky, and ugly way.

Sometimes I feel like I care too much about people and things. What if I did all the things I think about doing, or saying? Would this prevent the emotional and verbal vomit?

 Maybe next time I wont tell my cousin their baby is cute on FB because they never comment on my photos, or tell them hello on their "wall" because they don't do it on mine. Maybe I will write an email to someone who hurt my mom, or brother. Maybe next time I wont just think it, but I will actually do it.

Well last week I came to that crossroads. I said something that I felt would prevent harm on my children. Drama. I caused drama! Me? Can you imagine that? Yet after all is said and done. I feel better for having said it. It was what I was feeling. Don't they say if you keep feelings in, it causes cancer? Haha. That will be my reasoning behind saying what is on my mind instead of withholding!

On a lighter note, Bella and I had fun making dirt worm cups and cookies for her party...

Getting excited for all the babies and possible weddings coming up soon! :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My life...for real?

Have you ever looked at your life, or "looked back" on your life and thought....WHAT HAPPENED? More importantly, WHEN? I had one of this moments last week. Let me begin by describing the scene of this out of body experience....

Me: no make up, frazzled in the kitchen, burning pumpkin bread, sweating, and probably yelling something like "NO! don't touch!".

Pablo: folding 3 baskets of laundry in the living room, with MNF on the TV.

Bella: running around, curly hair and all, bossing her sisters.

Lili: Naked. No diaper. Nothing. Waiting for someone to put her diaper back on, which she ripped off.

Gabi: Also naked, but with a dipe, also awaiting jammies.

Get the picture? Chaos. So of course this is the time our new neighbour chooses to knock on the door with a bottle of wine. I am looking horrible, naked children, blaring TV. And, and, AND, our new friend upstairs is an old high school classmate! Duuuude! Yes, this is my life, for real. She did not recognize me at first but soon realized this former skinny, tan, very blond, person has been transformed.
That encounter left me reeling for a few days. Although I see close friends from high school often, this was different. My friends have seen my progression, from Barbie (as Pablo says) to this very different person I am today.
So after I recovered a few days later I started to examine WHEN this life change transpired. It just happened. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Life happens. I would not change this life of mine for anything.
But the body...hmmmm :)

So this is me blogging. I am going to try it out. The name means nothing more than what it says. i love babies, and cakes.

Here are a few blog names I considered using though!