Wednesday, January 12, 2011

To Whom Do You Belong?

I had the privilege of witnessing some 100 people get sworn in as United States citizens today. It was very cool, and life changing. Not only because one of those people was my husband Pablo, born in Argentina, but also because of the things that surrounded this whole experience. People were in tears during the ceremony. Some waiting over 20 years for this. People from all over the world, wanting desperately to become a part of this nation! I indeed take my citizenship for granted.

While studying for his test, Pablo had a hard time with the part that he must renounce his old country. His loyalties must now be with the United States of America. I have to admit I was a bit offended at first. Since I have known him, he has not put his hand on his heart during the National Anthem. It prompted me to think. What would I do in another country? Would it be hard for me? I then began to list some things I have given up in life. For example, when becoming a Christian there were things I renounced. It was my CHOICE to become a Christ follower, but it was still difficult to give up the old things that defined me. The behaviors I belonged to. Pablo has always explained to me that it wasn't a sign of disrespect, but that it simply wasn't his country...but today I saw him sing and pledge to his new country! I saw a new pride in him.

I have pride for our state. I think Colorado is the best state to live int. I love the sports, weather, mountains, sunsets...everything. I even still have loyalties to my high school! I like to see Cherry Creek H. S. succeed. Even my neighborhood growing up (Willow Creek, woo woo) triggers something in me. See? I felt the need to "woo woo"! We defend these things, fight for them. In a way belong to them, or them to us.

However exciting it is for my husband to now be naturalized, it also holds some sadness. He is changed. But he made this CHOICE because he knows the benefits this decision will have not only for him, but others. Plus at the end of the day he, and myself, know to Whom we really belong. We know that no matter where we live, what team we root for, what country our passport was issued from, that we belong to something bigger! We belong to Christ. So none of this matters really. It matters to our flesh maybe, and to the government, but not to God. We are His! I know for sure where I belong. I know for sure to Whom I belong! A choice I made, and happily make every day. I love you Jesus, thanks for making me Your own!

John 15:19 "If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world..."

1Peter 2:9 "...for you are a chosen people. You are a kingdom of priests, God's holy nation, his very own possession. This is so you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light."
"Daughter of the Most High King" From my mom, hangs by my bed :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

You are what you eat?

You know how the saying goes, you have heard it a million times...."You are what you eat". If this is true, then based on the things my family has eaten in the last 24 hours, I am a Mexican, Pablo is an Italian, Bella is nuts, Gabi is a cutie, and Lili is a green crayon. Yes, Lili ate 1/3 of a green crayon. She also ate half a cutie orange, including the peel. Her poop is rainbow colored these days! Ewww, sorry.
My explorer.
I also had a friend on his Facebook post some quote about, "you are who you hang out with". Or "you are who your friends are", something like that. Now, this person is not in high school. Not even college for that matter. Perhaps in middle school one can follow and be part of a crowd that is all the same person essentially. But at my age? If this were true then I would be in a diaper, wearing a bib, and drinking large quantities of 2% milk. My "crew" is 3 and under. Also is this were true, Jesus would be a sinner. He hung out with people who were thieves. Silly statement if you ask me.
Bella spilled her milk in Gabi's hair...hence the crusty slicked back look!
I had to blog about those random sayings. I just think that who we are is SO much more than what we eat, and who we hang out with! Something I thought was obvious to most!

This last week was bittersweet in that my babies turned 18 months old. They are healthy, beautiful, and smart, but I am sad how big they are! They started playgroup class with Bella. They made these very cute snowmen in playgroup with their teacher. They kept moving around the face she said! I must share...
From left to right...Bella's, Lili's & Gabi's! My future crafters!
I wonder who will be artsy fartsy? Haha!