Monday, July 11, 2011

A Mother's Love

I just came off a crazy busy week, the twins turned 2, numerous cake orders, birthday party (my BBFF's birthday party and the twins) Plus Pablo worked Sunday. Its always hard when he has to put in an extra day on the weekend. But it pays off later, literally :)

We started potty training Lili and Gabi yesterday. It's the end of day #2 and I feel like they still don't get it! By this time with Bella she was sitting down and doing it all by herself! If I could pay someone to potty train the twins...I would, but whatever I would pay wouldn't be enough! Its been a hard couple days. I am giving it one more day and then re-evaluating! (Maybe just one at a time, a different method, etc.)

But all of this training got me thinking. How much does a mother love her child? There are all those cute little poems that say things like "a mothers love is unconditional" or "mothers are there to wipe your tears, and help you learn right from wrong". All of these things true, I cant help but to be more practical. I have said it before that all of the mushy mom devotionals are just blah to me. Same with those mother poems and sappy Hallmark cards. "Thanks for always being there mom, blah blah blah". Where is the card that says, "thanks for cleaning up my crap and teaching me to use the toilet mom!" Haha! But really, think about it...a mothers love is so much more than just being there through all of the hard times and teaching us our manners. Mothers love us SO much they will literally wipe our butts and clean up our poo! Here are some things I was thinking before writing this. I drew from women's lives around me who are loving their kids in such passionate and real ways that no poem or card could ever capture...I hope you can relate to one of these...they are all real, they are written about you!

A mother loves her child so much that she will continue to get pregnant and miscarry numerous times and endure the heart break over and over just to have a successful pregnancy.

A mother loves so much she will scrub poop off of the patio on her hands and knees while she potty trains! (yep, that was me today!)

A mother loves her baby so much that she will loose sleep and become delirious from sleep deprivation just to continue night feedings and comfort midnight teething screams.

A mother loves her step kids so much that she will take them as her own and love and care for them because their real mother no longer wants them.

A mother loves her kids so much she will scrub other peoples toilets just to pay the bills and put food on the table.

A mother loves her children so much she will give up buying herself a new bra and underwear just to be able to buy them clothes and shoes.

A mother loves so much she will stay up late washing dishes, doing laundry and cleaning house while her children sleep just so that she will have time to play with her kids the next day.

A mother loves her kids so much she is will clean up vomit just so her baby is clean.

A mother will fight for her daughters life, even if that daughter is a murderer.

Mothers, you are amazing! Now, of course I have to bring it all back to God now :) God loves us with that same passion you love your kids. He is just as devoted to us, just as in love, but even more. Take the time to soak some of that love and attention up. As moms we often feel under appreciated and very alone. Especially when our husbands get to go to work! But I would not trade places, not for a minute! Even at my worst, even at my most tired, I am so thankful that I have my 3 little loves.

Thank you God for this role, as hard as it may be, thank you for letting me love and care for my kids.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Injustice drives me crazy. If someone takes my parking spot, I feel like "How unfair? How can people get away with being so rude"? More serious injustices like someone treating my family wrong also hurt my heart. Or people taking the side of an ex boyfriend that hit me and abused me. How can people NOT see what is so clear to me??? These people need to be brought to some sort of justice, right? This is something I have long struggled with, and still do at times.

As I watch the news and hear of the not guilty verdict for Casey Anthony, how can you not be all worked up? How can you not be steaming mad that what seems to be a HUGE injustice for this small child. No one is serving life in a jail cell for this baby's death, no one will be put to death, no one will be labeled the killer of Caylee. It stinks, it sickens me. BUT I have to let this and the injustices served to so many go, and give it to God. The Bible is clear that one day we will all be standing before God and answering to Him. Although I do think Casey should be serving for the murder of her child, I have to know that its not my place to judge her. I will never know what happened with all of that. But God knows. When God meets Casey one day justice will be served. Not today, not tomorrow, but some day. Just like all of my sins will be judges as well.

Bottom line, we will have to answer to God for our actions. So whether or not I think that justice is served in my life I hold out hope that my Daddy has my back, He will fight for me, and give the justice that I cannot. We feel so helpless. But with faith in God there is always justice.

"Now let the fear of the LORD be upon you. Judge carefully, for with the LORD our God there is no injustice..." 2Ch 19:7

Peace my friends,