Thursday, February 16, 2012

Coupon Fairy

Most weeks I get to go grocery shopping alone...most weeks. I have a great mom who helps me, and of course my husband will let me escape for some one on one time with my coupon book! But schedules and such prevented that from happening this week. Today I took my 3 girls shopping, that is always an adventure. Last week I took the girls into Sams club to get TP in bulk, ew. We also picked up a big container of blueberries, half of which made it on the floor! A 4 year old child of mine bumped it and popped the lid open, and bumped it again. Clean up on aisle 6 please?

So today after hitting the produce we made our way with huge car cart to the deli counter where. After ordering a pound of turkey I looked down at the shelf below the counter. Low and behold there is a coupon! A sweet little coupon placed strategically for me to get $1.50 off my pound of deli meat!

I know, it seems so silly. But more than saving a measly $1.50, it just means someone cared enough to share it, rather than throwing it away. This has happened to me a few times. Each time I reached for my product and the coupon was right there! Maybe I am the only one this happens to. But at any rate, I imagine my coupon angel fluttering before me placing the small, delicate, rectangular, 50 cent savings, exactly in the right place for me to see it...just to make me smile!

Actually, when I get really practical about it, it's probably no fairy or angel, but a sweet old lady who shares my love to save a buck or two! Makes my heart happy :)

The girls did great today, they even got a penny horse ride with "Bullseye"!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Great Responsibilities

I often feel overwhelmed by my responsibilities. Today I finished Valentines day orders, which was so fun.....and so much work! Along with that, I took care of my 3 needy girls, kept up with laundry, the dishes, preparing meals, hosting playgroup, baths, a workout, etc, etc. But at the end of the day I often turn on the news to unwind. I enjoy the news, I always have. Even in high school! Mostly the weather, I used to want to be a meteorologist! Haha. Anyway, tonight the news was filled with Whitney Houston's death. They showed an interview of her where she said that she knew God had given her a gift. Her voice, obviously. A lot of people can sing, but her gift was big!!

You remember that verse Obama poorly referenced and used to illustrate rich people and taxes?

"For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required."
Luke 12:48

Jesus was talking about a slave to his master, which can be most related to an employee to employer relationship in modern day. I think most of us can say work feels like our master sometimes! But I know that Gods word can always be used in our lives personally. Even if Jesus was talking about a slaves responsibilities, we can apply His word to us, today.

Here is a version in the Message Bible, I love this version.

"Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!"(Luke 12:48 MSG)

I do think the rich need to be held to the same tax standards, but I don't think this verse was appropriate for that. God has given us gifts, all of us. Whitney Houston's gifts gave her a public life and a job in the entertainment industry. My husband and children are my greatest gifts, among so many. But I am not in the public eye. So although at a different level, our responsibilities do exist.

It's how we choose to use our gifts. I will choose right now to use my gifts to glorify the One who gave them to me. My Master.

"God, I am sorry that I often don't appreciate all the gifts you've given me. But I take every and all responsibilities that go along with my gifts. Help me on the hard days! Give me Your strength God."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Moment in Time

Tomorrow I will be purchasing my first iPhone! I have been waiting for my 2 year upgrade to get the best deal on my phone, and saving my birthday money! I know, I sound like a 13 year old saving her babysitting money! 13, going on 30. Ha! But since I have turned 30 last week, I now have a huge pimple smack in the middle of my cheek! Yuck, sometimes I feel like I am 13 still! You know how when people lose a lot of weight and they have a hard time with their "new" skinny body? Well I have that opposite mentality! I still cant believe that I am 30 and overweight! Enough of that....anyway, back to the new phone!

Although I am SUPER excited to get a phone that functions properly, I am kind of sad to get rid of my old one! I have had this Droid Eris for almost 2 years. This phone reminds me of a particular moment in time. We had just moved into my parents basement with the girls (awaiting our next move), and I was so excited to have a smart phone! The twins weren't even one yet and the very first picture I took in it was Lili doing her "old man face" she used to do on command. It also documented when we were at playgroup and Gabi crawled into someone else's toy bin. I remember these moments like they were yesterday. My phone triggers those memories, and that specific period in time.  My babies were still babies, not even 1 yet. Its just like when I sort through my girls clothes and spot clothing that triggers a memory. I smell it and it brings me back to a different moment in their lives.

I think my husband thinks I am TOO sentimental at times. I probably am. Isabella is now just like her mom, she cried when we got rid of our old hand me down TV for the new flat screen. She said, "I like our old TV!" We have moved so many times in the last few years and every time we move I feel like we leave a little bit of our hearts behind. I get sad when I have to move, even if I am excited for a bigger, better place.

All in all, I am PUMPED for my iPhone! But when you replace the old there is always some hesitation to look back.

Here's to hopefully blogging on my new phone next time!