Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My life...for real?

Have you ever looked at your life, or "looked back" on your life and thought....WHAT HAPPENED? More importantly, WHEN? I had one of this moments last week. Let me begin by describing the scene of this out of body experience....

Me: no make up, frazzled in the kitchen, burning pumpkin bread, sweating, and probably yelling something like "NO! don't touch!".

Pablo: folding 3 baskets of laundry in the living room, with MNF on the TV.

Bella: running around, curly hair and all, bossing her sisters.

Lili: Naked. No diaper. Nothing. Waiting for someone to put her diaper back on, which she ripped off.

Gabi: Also naked, but with a dipe, also awaiting jammies.

Get the picture? Chaos. So of course this is the time our new neighbour chooses to knock on the door with a bottle of wine. I am looking horrible, naked children, blaring TV. And, and, AND, our new friend upstairs is an old high school classmate! Duuuude! Yes, this is my life, for real. She did not recognize me at first but soon realized this former skinny, tan, very blond, person has been transformed.
That encounter left me reeling for a few days. Although I see close friends from high school often, this was different. My friends have seen my progression, from Barbie (as Pablo says) to this very different person I am today.
So after I recovered a few days later I started to examine WHEN this life change transpired. It just happened. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Life happens. I would not change this life of mine for anything.
But the body...hmmmm :)

So this is me blogging. I am going to try it out. The name means nothing more than what it says. i love babies, and cakes.

Here are a few blog names I considered using though!


  1. Its so true! im still fairly new to it all but im beginning to notice that time really does speed up. We lose track of our lives as we thought they were going to be and begin to grasp new things. Sometimes its less glorious then what we planned, but sometime its more beautiful then we could have ever realized!

    Ive been reading some Charles Dickens recently and he has a quote the smacked me in the face.

    "Old Time, that greatest and longest established spinner of all!.... his factory is a secret place, his work is noiseless, and his hands are mutes." ~Charles Dickens

    Good to see you in the Blogging World :)


  2. yay! I'm excited to to be a blog follower! I'm sure you will have wonderful stories to share!! :)

  3. Love this! Could've written this post - wondering what happened to the me I used to know. I look in the mirror sometimes and think who is this person! Keep writing, and I'll keep reading. Blessings!
