Thursday, December 23, 2010

Looking for the sparkle in Christmas...

I painted the girls nails yesterday. Red. Then added sparkles. Well, Bella calls them sprinkles! "Come get sprinkles on your nails Lili!" Our life has more sprinkles in it than sparkle, so I can understand her confusion! We bake way too much!

I almost dread Christmas these days. Although my girls do give it a whole new meaning. Yet I can do without so many things. I love seeing all my family, yet hate the run around. Love shopping, but hate the financial strain it puts on us. Really enjoy wrapping, dislike having to stay up late at night to do it. I like the food, hate the pounds!

We go non stop for 3 days, not including all the preparation before. It all stresses  me out. I want to sit back and relax. I want to watch my girls open gifts, but then have time for them to sit and play with them without us running out to the next place. I say this every year, but next year I want to stay home!

So I struggle to find the luster in the holiday season. I really don't mean to be all cliche, and say keep the Christ in Christmas, or Jesus is the reason for the season. BUT I also wonder how this holiday got so messed up. I just watched this clip on Nightline about archiologists, and Bethlehem and the birth of Christ. It was so cool. I just want to find the sparkle. When Bella sits and sings "Happy Birthday Jesus", I see the sparkle that makes me love Christmas! Now if I can bottle it up and bring it with me...

Happy Birthday Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are at the age where you should do Christmas at your house. If family want to see the girls on Christmas, they need to come to you. Just saying..... Perhaps it won't be quite the same as running hither and yon, but with the size of your family, I think its the sanest way.... Time to maybe start a new tradition where the girls spend Christmas day at home... Christmas dinner somewhere else, but for the majority of the day, stay home. I'm pushy like that. You've earned it. There are 12 days of Christmas for a reason! LOL! You guys could easily cover all 12 days and then some! Of course you're blessed like that to have your grandparents still alive and oodles of cousins and aunties and uncles! Lucky girls!
