Monday, November 1, 2010

Sleepless in Centennial

Hoping tonight will not be the fourth night in a row that my Lili bird wakes every hour. My sleepy, easy going newborn switched places with her sister when she was a few months old. Since then, we have tried different things to get this little peanut to sleep all night. I used to think she was genuinely hungry and woke to eat. Since she is smaller than her twin, she does eat more often. She has her daddy's metabolism! But now, it just seems like she is wanting to be patted or tucked in....EVERY HOUR!

After feeling super guilty in the morning if we discipline this behavior, Pablo and I had to put things into perspective. Pablo often asks, how would God raise our children? Yes, Yes, He is the Father, but how would He handle a baby, toddler, or child? Or how does He handle us? Does God tire of helping us? Loving us?

Your comments and discussion are welcomed. I will let you know how this little girl sleeps the rest of the week. In the meantime, I will drink a lot of coffee and take advantage of the time loving on my sleepless girl...

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